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How to deal with Body Shaming?

According to the Dove Global Beauty and Confidence Report, 9 out of 10 women would stop eating, put their health at risk and opt out of...

Perks of Volunteering

In today's tiring and busy world, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are massive, both to...

2019 releases to pre-order

2019 is already around the corner and there is so much to do. But most importantly, apart from making the new year resolution list, you...

Tips for Female Travelers in India

The best way to plunge yourself in Indian culture is to make friends with local women. Indian women are usually friendly even if they...

Lunch Menu Planning Made Easy

Try these easy to prepare lunch ideas so that you do not have to depend on your office cafeteria or a nearby restaurant (unless they...

New-Gen India’s Local Poet

Star Rating: Debjeet Mukherjee's Voyages: It's norm for us to reach to a book written by the famous and recite the poems written by the...

Dealing with Chronic Depression

We live in a world affected with pressure of all kinds; be it from work, relationships, deadlines and even traffic! By virtue of being...

Why you shouldn't suppress anger?

Anger which is overlooked, shunned or not acknowledged is repressed anger and it can have a major effect in our personal and professional...

Myths about India

If you're a non-Indian who hasn't visited India, I'm sure that you'd believe some of the myths too. As for Indians in India and abroad,...

7 Ways to Travel More

I thought of sharing some means to travel more! I will share with you my thoughts on how you can start having a life of travel. No, it...

4 Books for all the Single Ladies

I am being honest when I say that I do not read books from the romance genre or anything remotely close to it. However, I wanted to put...

Book Reviews: Its a Wrap!

I would recommend some really good books that I've came across. I'll give you insights on the books that I am actually reading or have...

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